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Shipping Conditions
Shipping your order
Orders are usually shipped within 2 days after receipt of payment. They are shipped via La Poste (green letter) with a tracking number (if the amount of the order is quite important) and off without signature. Packages can also be sent via Colissimo and delivered against signature (large orders). Please contact us before choosing this method of delivery because it means additional costs. Whatever the delivery method chosen, we send you a link to track your package online.
Shipping charges include preparation and packing costs and postage. We recommend you to group all your items in one order. We can combine two orders placed separately, and shipping charges apply to each of them.
shipping costs are FREE for 3 items ordered at minimum!
To make a return, thank you to send the order by letter rate, at:
Naga Hitam
34 rue du Chantier
66000 Perpignan